York Health and Care Partnership


Thursday 21st September 2023, 10:00 - 12:30

Severus Meeting Room; First Floor, West Offices

Chair: Ian Floyd



Ian Floyd (Chair)

Chief Operating Officer

City of York Council (CYC)

Sarah Coltman- Lovell

York Place Director

York Place, H&NY ICB

Rebecca Field

Joint Chair of York Health and Care Collaborative

York Medical Group

Emma Johnson

Chief Executive

St. Leonards Hospice

Simon Morritt

Chief Executive


Michelle Carrington

Director of Nursing and Quality North Yorkshire and York

York Place, H&NY ICB

Jamaila Hussain

Corporate Director of Adult Service and Integration


Cllr Jo Coles

Executive Member for Health, Wellbeing and Adult Social Care


Peter Roderick


Acting Director of Public Health/ Deputy Director of Population Health

CYC/York Place, H&NY ICB

Sian Balsom


Healthwatch, York

Brian Cranna

Care Group Director of Operations & Transformation, North Yorkshire, York and Selby Care Group 


Helena Ebbs

Place Clinical Director

York Place, H&NY ICB

Christine Marmion-Lennon (on behalf of Alison Semmence

Deputy Chief Executive

York Centre for Voluntary Services (CVS)

Martin Kelly

Corporate Director of Children and Young People


Cllr Claire Douglas

Leader of the Labour Group


Mark Bradley

Place Finance Director

York Place, H&NY ICB

In Attendance

Hannah Taylor

Team Administrator

York Place, H&NY ICB

Gary Young

Deputy Director Provider Development

York Place, H&NY ICB

Anne-Marie Roberts

Director of Clinical Services

St Leonards Hospice

Helen Hart

Deputy Place Nurse Director – North Yorkshire


North Yorkshire Place, H&NYICB

Melanie Liley

Chief Allied Health Professional



Professor Karen Bryan


Vice Chancellor

York St John University

(representing higher education)

Alison Semmence

Chief Executive

York Centre for Voluntary Services (CVS)

Gail Brown


York Schools & Academies Board

Zoe Campbell

Managing Director, NYY&S


Debbie Mitchell

Chief Finance Officer



Minutes – draft




Led by


Welcome and apologies for absence


The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting.


The minutes of the meeting held on 21.08.2023 were approved.


There were no declarations of interest in the business of the meeting.







Citizen Story - Discharge Case Study


Sarah Coltman-Lovell started by explaining that the Discharge Case Study was undertaken on the back of delayed discharge escalations, an investigation was undertaken with all system partners with a report in the process of being created.


Sarah shared the stories of two individuals who had delayed discharges coming out of Hospital. Sarah Coltman-Lovell informed that there is learning to do across the system from the case studies and highlighted some areas where work is already being undertaken to reduce the amount of delayed discharges.


Discussion took place between partners on some of the reasons for some delayed discharges, a rough number of delayed discharges in the hospital noting it can vary.

Sarah ended by informing of a meeting the 3rd week in October to look at the lessons that can be learned and areas to improve.



Sarah Coltman-Lovell to confirm if she is able to send the discharge stock take onto system partners and circulate once confirmed.


Sarah Coltman-Lovell


York system winter planning for approval – part 1


Sarah Coltman-Lovell started by explaining following discussions at the May York Health and Care Partnership meeting it was agreed that the focus for September would be a cross system winter resilience plan to identify gaps in service provision and integration and ensure a system approach. Going through slides Sarah explained the 3 components to the winter plan and shared information backed up by data on the Winter 2023 forecast, ED performance, ambulance handover and CAT 2 response, no criteria to reside patients by pathway.


Peter Roderick gave an update on the keeping people well in our communities element of the Winter Plan. Peter started by going through the Winter 2023 forecast noting the data suggests that hospitalisations is likely to be similar to Winter 2022, Peter also informed of a system pressure concern if Flu and Covid hit at the same time. Sharing slides Peter highlighted some of the projects across the system for winter plans and noted areas where work is being undertaken and the Winter Communications Plans.


Discussion ensued on:

·         Areas missed and incorporating them

·         Understanding how to respond proactively and reactively around health inequalities

·         Linking in Schools and family health hubs for communications

·         Effectiveness of Comms

·         When to worry communication document


Gary Young explained the Urgent and Emergency Care System Improvement Plan and NHS Winter Plan, Gary Young and Melanie Liley started by explaining about the York Emergency Department noting the redesign had been welcomed by staff working in the department, explaining the acronyms in the presentation.

Gary Young went on to share an overview of the key milestones of the Urgent and Emergency Care (UEC) Programme overview, winter preparedness for Primary Care, NHS support for Care Homes, Tees Esk and Wear Valleys (TEWV), a brief summary of York Trust's draft winter plan and the NHSE winter assurance guidelines.


Discussion ensued on

·         Mental Health Crisis Line

·         System success story of a provider



Peter Roderick/ Emma Johnson to pick up a conversation around linking in St Leonards Hospice.

Peter Roderick to pick up with colleagues at the hospital about accessing real time data to respond to the surges and target responses.

Sarah Coltman-Lovell to check with the ICB their winter comms plans.



Sarah Coltman-Lovell


Peter Roderick


Gary Young


York system winter planning for approval – part 2


Jamaila informed the board of a Task and Finish group that is in place looking at the frailty hub and gave context of the role of the group and the work they are doing.

Sarah informed that Frailty and Mental health are two areas that can help to reduce A&E attendance with other services in place, Sarah referred to the Jean Bishop Hub in Hull and envisions a similar provision for York. Continuing Jamaila touched on the single point of access team and the work being done.


Discussion took place on

·         Mental Health and Frailty key areas that can help reduce A&E attendance

·         Community Asset Approach

·         Carers Centre/CVS will struggle to recruit to posts as quickly as they have done to support the frailty hub previously


Ending Jamaila and Sarah touched on the Discharge Stocktake work that was completed and Adult Social Care resilience planning. Noting an update on Discharge would be brought to the October meeting.


Sarah informed of a potential additional fund of up to £0.5m for York which the ICB will  push for the money to be used for discharge due to York being an outlier on discharges against other hospitals within the ICB.


Discussion ensued on the below topics from both Jamaila Hussain and Gary Young's items

·         ARI/CAT hubs funding

·         St Leonards Hospice at Home over Winter

·         Unused out of hours funds

·         Place Board Accountability



Rebecca Field and Brian Cranna to discuss Primary Care representation at the York Mental Health Partnership board

Plan to be updated with the changes discussed and recirculated.

Update on Discharge to come to the October meeting

Update on Frailty to come to the November meeting



Jamaila Hussain




There was no AOB item's.
